about jewish germany

Friday, November 18, 2005

Government recognizes the state's Board of Progressive Congregations

Lower Saxony's parliament recently voted to recognize the state's Board of Progressive Congregations, overcoming – at least theoretically – the final hurdle for the Board's recognition by the Zentralrat, the federally–funded umbrella organization of Germany's Jews. The Zentralrat has said the country's Progressive congregations could share in the $3 million it receives every year from the government once they receive state charters.
According to Katarina Seidler, president of Lower Saxony's Board of Progressive Congregations, the parliamentary recognition means all Zentralrat conditions for membership have now been met. "We are happy with this important and wise decision, [which] reflects the government's recognition of our Progressive communities and our successful work."
An answer from the Zentralrat regarding membership by Lower Saxony's Progressive communities is expected on December 20. The decision concernes seven congregation:
Hannover, Goettingen, Hameln, Bad Pyrmont, Celle, Wolfsburg and Seesen – which is considered the birthplace of Reform Judaism - but today a tiny community.


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